
Didn't find an answer in our frequently asked questions? Don't worry, we're happy to help! At, we are always ready to answer your questions. Whether you need advice on pool maintenance, want more information on our products or need help with your order, our team of experts is here to help.

How can you reach us?
💬 Contact form: Fill in the form below and we will contact you soon.
✉️ Email: Send us an email at and we will respond as soon as possible.
🏢 Visit us: Prefer personal advice? Feel free to drop by one of our shops.
📞 By phone: Unfortunately, we cannot be reached by phone, this is to ensure a smooth service by email.

Why contact

  • Expert advice thanks to years of experience in pool products and maintenance.
  • Fast service, so you never have to wait long for an answer.
  • Tailor-made solutions for every pool, big or small.

Your pool pleasure is our priority. Contact us today and experience for yourself why is the reference for pool maintenance!

Contacteer ons, we antwoorden je zeer spoedig

contact info

Willy Naessens Swimming Pools
Westerring 37
9700 Oudenaarde

VAT BE0471 605 486
You can reach us via